Cataract Evaluations Specialist

Antelope Valley Optometric Center

Optometrists located in Lancaster, CA

More than 25 million Americans have a cataract, and many start developing the condition by the age of 40. The good news is that cataracts develop slowly and may not interfere with your vision for many years. The expert optometry team at Antelope Valley Optometric Center in Lancaster, California, provides comprehensive eye exams to diagnose and monitor cataract development as well as customized treatment to correct your vision and protect your eye health. Call the practice or schedule an appointment online today.

Cataract Evaluations Q & A

What are cataracts?

Cataracts develop when the intraocular lens in your eye becomes cloudy. Cataracts are typically age-related, and if you have a family history of cataracts, your chances of developing them are higher.

Cataracts develop because of normal age-related changes in your eye that cause your lens to stiffen and the proteins that comprise your lens begin to break down. The early stages of cataracts don’t usually noticeably disrupt your vision. However, over time as your lens becomes more cloudy, you may notice symptoms including:

  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision
  • Faded or yellow-tinted colors
  • Poor night vision
  • Light sensitivity

Routine eye exams are critical to diagnosing and monitoring cataract development. If you’re due for an eye exam, schedule an appointment today.

How are cataracts diagnosed?

The expert optometrists at Antelope Valley Optometric Center diagnose cataracts during your comprehensive eye exam. If your visual acuity tests indicate problems with your vision, your optometrist can investigate your eye health in more detail by dilating your pupils to examine your intraocular lens and the interior of your eye. They may also use tonometry to measure the pressure inside your eye to check for glaucoma, another eye disease that can cause similar symptoms.

How are cataracts treated?

The doctors at Antelope Valley Optometric Center take a proactive approach to managing your eye health and vision. You have regular appointments for your optometrist to monitor the development of your cataracts and their effect on your vision.

In the early stages of cataracts, your optometrist can correct your vision with glasses. They can adjust your prescription and add an anti-glare coating to help you see clearly. Many patients can see clearly with corrective lenses for many years.

Do I have to have surgery for cataracts?

If your cataracts advance to the point where your vision is disrupted and can’t be corrected with eyeglasses and other measures, your optometrist may suggest cataract surgery.

Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure. Your surgeon can use either laser surgery or traditional techniques to replace your intraocular lens.

After your surgery, you need to wear an eye patch for a couple of days. Your optometrist monitors your recovery and checks your vision regularly as your eye heals from surgery.

If you have a family history of cataracts, make sure to have regular comprehensive eye exams, even if your vision is perfect. Call Antelope Valley Optometric Center or make an appointment online today.