LASIK Surgery Co-Management Specialist
Antelope Valley Optometric Center
Optometrists located in Lancaster, CA
While LASIK can result in clear and sharp vision with just one procedure, the help of eye care professionals is essential before, during, and after the surgery to ensure the best results. The optometrists at Antelope Valley Optometric Center in Lancaster, California, can coordinate care with a LASIK surgeon from start to finish. Schedule a consultation to discuss LASIK co-management using the online booking option or by calling Antelope Valley Optometric Center directly today.
LASIK Surgery Co-Management
What is LASIK?
Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, better known as LASIK, is an eye surgery that improves nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. During LASIK surgery, an eye surgeon uses a laser to reshape the cornea, treating tiny amounts of tissue at one time until they achieve the needed correction.
After LASIK surgery, it may not be necessary to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses anymore, or at least they may not need to be worn as often. For example, reading glasses can still be necessary after LASIK, but not other vision correction that was needed beforehand.
Who is a good candidate for LASIK surgery?
A candidate for LASIK surgery must be an adult age 18 or older. Although most patients who want LASIK surgery are eligible for it, some health conditions can exclude eligibility for the procedure. These conditions include:
- Keratoconus
- Presbyopia
- Serious nearsightedness
- Very big pupils
- Thin corneas
It is necessary to have stable vision for LASIK, which means no changes in prescription for at least a year before the surgery. An optometrist at Antelope Valley Optometric Center performs an evaluation to determine whether LASIK is a good fit for prospective candidates, and, if so, refers them to a trusted local eye surgeon.
How does an optometrist help with LASIK recovery?
The optometrists at Antelope Valley Optometric Center co-manage LASIK care with the eye surgeon involved. The eye surgeon performs the LASIK procedure, but most of the follow-up care then takes place at Antelope Valley Optometric Center.
In most cases, patients see their optometrist the day after LASIK, and then again within the next month. After that, the next appointment to see the optometrist will be three months following the LASIK surgery. No further LASIK-specific eye care visits may be needed after that.
Are regular eye exams still necessary after LASIK surgery?
Yes. It's important to have regular eye exams after LASIK surgery, even if the surgery was a complete success. During regular eye exams, the optometrists at Antelope Valley Optometric Center check for not only vision changes, but also for structural issues within the eyes. If new problems develop, they can identify them and start treatment right away to minimize any eye damage.
To learn more about how the team at Antelope Valley Optometric Center can help co-manage LASIK surgery, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.
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